Bombs Are Dropping In the Middle East – Here’s What To Do About It

Bombs are dropping in the Middle East and it’s likely many more bombs will be dropped. 

Over the weekend, Iran launched a drone strike against Israel in retaliation for Israel bombing Iran’s embassy in Syria. This could expand the regional conflict into a global conflict.

Will it spark World War III or not? Who knows. I certainly don’t. 

What I do know is that it could create volatility in the markets. 

In times of uncertainty, investors and traders alike dump assets and move to the perceived safety of cash. It’s an automatic response that has little bearing on the value of the underlying assets.

How do I know that’s true?

Well, when the world went into lockdown in 2020 due to the pandemic, amazing companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Meta saw their stock hammered lower by as much as 39%. 

Even bitcoin – whose use case has  nothing to do with the global business cycle – dropped as much as 56% – from $10,400 to $4,800. 

Will that happen again? I don’t know. But if it does, it’ll be the buying opportunity of a lifetime.  

What I do know is that bitcoin can drop 20%, 30%, 40% or even 50% all while still being in a bull market. After it dropped to a low of $4,800 in March 2020 during the early days of the pandemic… It rocketed to a then all-time high of $69,000 in November 2021. 

That’s more than 14x your money. 

So how do you make that volatility work for you instead of getting victimized by it?

Well first things first… I’m assuming you already have a core holding of bitcoin. You leave that stack alone. 

If you want to buy more on weakness but you are afraid that bitcoin could have a big drop like we saw back in 2020… Then here’s what you can do...

Let’s say you have $10,000 you want to put to work. Here’s a simple process you can follow. 

  • Put $1,000 to work if bitcoin hits $62,000. 

  • Put $2,000 to work if bitcoin hits  $52,000. 

  • Put $3,000 to work if bitcoin hits $42,000. 

  • Put the final $4,000 to work if bitcoin hits $32,000.

Let me be clear: I do not know if bitcoin will drop to $32,000. And I’m not selling any bitcoin from my core long-term position

But if bitcoin were to drop to as low as $32,000 – and you followed the approach above – on a reversal back up to the old high of $74,000… your $10,000 would now be worth $18,575. 

At that point you can pull out your initial $10,000 and you would’ve increased your overall core stack by $8,575… while still having your original trading capital back in cash.

Or you could simply sell your trading stack and book an 85% profit and hold the extra $18,575 to profit from future volatility. 

Friends, bitcoin might be highly volatile for years to come. So it is imperative you have a method to profit from that volatility. Always remember: We’re not victims of volatility. We grow richer  from it. 

But what if you don’t have extra money to profit from the volatility? Then do nothing. Just let time do the heavy lifting for you. 

Close your eyes to the volatility. Keep living your life. And over time, the price of bitcoin will continue to rise no matter what happens in the world because one thing is certain: Wars cost money.

Governments will have to print that money. That printing debases the dollar. And dollar debasement drives the price of bitcoin higher. 

Put your faith in that. 

Know that over time the price of bitcoin will rise as governments continue debasing their currencies.

Let The Game Come To You!™


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